Your reservation status lets you know how things are going.
The guest will arrive within 24 hours.
The guest will arrive soon, but not within 24 hours.
The guest will be checking in within said number of days. Now’s a good time to print reservation details and coordinate check-in if you haven’t already.
The Host is requiring the guest to verify their identity before accepting the trip request. They have 12 hours to do so, otherwise the request will expire.
The guest has checked out and has 14 days to write a review of their stay.
The trip request was accepted, but the guest’s payment hasn’t gone through. The reservation can’t be confirmed until payment is complete, so they have 24 hours to update their payment information. Otherwise, the reservation will be cancelled, and the guest won’t be charged.
Learn more about reservations that are awaiting payment.
The reservation was cancelled, probably because:
Either the Host, the guest or Airbnb cancelled a confirmed reservation. Sometimes, Airbnb may cancel on behalf of a Host or guest.
The guest will check out within 24 hours.
Either the Host or guest has initiated a trip change.
The trip request was accepted either by the Host or automatically via Instant Book. Airbnb has collected payment.
The guest is on their trip at this very moment. Nice!
The guest did not accept their pre-approved invitation to book within 24 hours of receiving it from the Host. They can still book the place, but they’ll need to send a new trip request.
The Host has invited the guest to book the dates shown with automatic confirmation. The guest has 24 hours to accept by choosing Book Now.
The requested dates are no longer available. This could happen for several reasons, including reservation overlap or a recent update to the Host’s calendar.
The guest received a special offer from the Host but didn’t accept it within the 24-hour window.
The guest has completed their trip.
The Host has declined the guest’s trip request, so they won’t be charged.
Either the Host or the guest took longer than 24 hours to accept or decline the request. If the guest is still interested, they’ll need to send a new request. Get more details on declined or expired requests.
The guest sent a trip request but then decided to cancel it.
The trip is over, and the Host has 14 days to leave a review for the guest.
The Host has invited the guest to book the dates shown at a different price from what’s listed. Hosts often do this to offer a discount or add an additional amount, such as a pet fee, to the reservation. The guest has 24 hours to accept by choosing Book Now – at which point, the reservation is automatically accepted.
Our customer support team has changed the trip details on behalf of the Host or guest.
The Host has declined the guest’s request to change details about their trip.
The guest has requested to change details about their trip. If the Host doesn't accept, they’ll have to go with the original plan or cancel.
The Host has requested to change details about their trip. If the guest doesn’t accept, they’ll have to go with the original plan or cancel.
The guest asked a trip question and the Host declined it, which means the guest is not able to send a trip request. This may be due to a change in their availability.
The guest has asked a question about specific dates but hasn't yet sent a trip request. In order to maintain their response rate, we encourage Hosts to write back within 24 hours and invite guests to book, decline, or send a special offer before the enquiry expires. If your status says “Enquiry – expires soon”, check the Today dashboard to find out how many hours you have to respond before it’s too late. Learn more about contacting Hosts.