A host sending their guest a partial refund for a missing amenity, a guest sending their host a payment for breaking a coffee mug, and much more—the Resolution Center makes it easy to handle money-related requests for an Airbnb stay or experience.
You can only submit a new Resolution Center request up to 60 days after a reservation's checkout date.
You can respond to an existing Resolution Center request—like choosing to pay the full amount, paying a different amount, or declining the request—more than 60 days after checkout, as long as the request was submitted within the 60 days after checkout.
Hosts can use the Resolution Center to request money from a guest before their confirmed reservation’s check-in, but they can't send money to a guest until the reservation has started or has been canceled. Guests can send money to a host before check-in, but they can’t request money from a host until their reservation has started.
If a guest cancels their reservation before check-in and their host has agreed to a full refund, either the guest or host can initiate it:
Hosts and guests can both use the Resolution Center to send or request money from one another after check-in.
If a guest cancels their reservation and it’s past check-in, their host can send a full refund to the guest in the Resolution Center.
The Resolution Center may not be available for use with some hotel stays. In those cases, guests of hotel stays and their hosts will need to resolve any money-related requests directly.