Our community is built on the principles of inclusion, belonging, and respect, which includes welcoming and supporting people with disabilities. Here is some information to help you better understand our policy on how to welcome and support people with disabilities, including those seeking reasonable accommodations in the form of Service Animals, Emotional Support Animals, or broader accessibility needs or modifications during their reservation. Please note that the principles and rules stated in our Community Commitment and Nondiscrimination Policy also apply to this policy.
In some jurisdictions, legal requirements may expand or limit the reasonable accommodations a host must provide for a guest beyond those included in this policy. Our Terms of Service require users to understand and follow laws and regulations that apply to them. This means that hosts and guests are individually responsible for understanding and complying with all applicable laws and regulations. Where this policy is more restrictive than applicable laws, this policy will apply.
A Service Animal is generally a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with disabilities. A Service Animal is not a pet. Guests can generally be accompanied by a Service Animal during a stay or other offerings on Airbnb, regardless of house rules that prohibit pets
An Emotional Support Animal is an animal that provides emotional support or assistance to a person to help manage the symptoms or effects of their disability. Emotional Support Animals are generally animals commonly kept in households, such as dogs or cats. Unlike a Service Animal, an Emotional Support Animal does not need to be trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with disabilities.
Hosts may only ask the following questions about a guest’s need for a Service Animal or Emotional Support Animal:
If the answer to the first question is "yes" (or the guest indicates that they have a disability)
If the answer to the first question is "no" then the host is not required to treat the guest’s animal as a Service Animal or an Emotional Support Animal under this policy.
When a guest is accompanied by a Service Animal, hosts are not allowed to do the following because of the guest’s Service Animal:
Guests with a Service Animal are required to follow these basic rules. The Service Animal must not be:
Unless otherwise prohibited by this policy, when a guest is accompanied by an Emotional Support Animal a host may charge normal pet fees, charge additional cleaning fees for pet hair or dander, or decline a reservation if they don’t accept pets.
In any location where applicable law requires hosts to accommodate guests with Emotional Support Animals, hosts may not do any of the following because a guest is traveling with an Emotional Support Animal 1:
Where hosts are required to accept Emotional Support Animals under this policy, a guest’s Emotional Support Animal must not be:
Airbnb-granted Exemption: In its discretion and in certain circumstances, Airbnb may grant a host an exemption to this policy if the host notifies us about their reasons proactively. For example, if the presence of a Service Animal constitutes a direct threat to a host’s health if the host lives in that listing.
A guest with accessibility needs may request a reasonable accommodation to aid the guest’s ability to access a listing or Experience. These accommodations can come in the form of a request for modification or adjustment to a listing or Experience.
What we allow:
What we don’t allow:
Additional considerations:
We ask our community to work together to make Airbnb as accessible as possible. Airbnb may take steps up to and including removing a host or guest from the Airbnb platform if they do not comply with our policies.
1 Hosts in California and New York are required to comply with this section.